
Model smiling wiping cleanser from cheek with cleansing cloth
Simple, Effective Skincare.


Model  holding up Cleansing Cloth packet to face


Can't live without The Cleansing Cloth


The average Australian women spends $3000 per year on skincare?

But most are flushing that money down the toilet because they aren't cleansing correctly...

This is why the Cleansing Cloth was created.

Unlike other wipes, reusable pads, towels, sponges, face clothes, and skin care tools, The Cleansing Cloth is made out of a special PVA fabric that is more effective and better for your skin— it removes make-up and impurities while protecting your unique micro-biome.

Skincare Simplified.

Hand holding Cleansing Cloth hanging down from corner

Use Your Cleansing Cloth

Just add your favourite cleanser. The Cleansing Cloth is a smooth, soft and durable cleansing cloth, gentle enough for even the most sensitive skin.  

Close up model wiping cleanser from cheek with cleansing cloth

Get a Deep Cleanse

This high performance PVA cleansing cloth material removes make-up and impurities when used in conjunction with facial cleanser and, or exfoliating facial scrub.

Hand squeezing water from Cleansing Cloth

Give It a Rinse

All traces of make-up and cleansing residue is rinsed away immediately when placed under water pressure leaving it clean to re-use time and time again. Hygienically machine-washable, bacteria-resistant fabric.

Close up model smiling with closed eye and clean glowy skin

Enjoy Glowing Skin

The ultimate cleansing accessory for a fresh, smooth cleanse. Enjoy soft, clean, bright, happy skin with this secret weapon!

Real People. Real Results

The Cleansing Cloth Founder, Michelle Doolan has been treating clients with ALL types of skin and conditions for over 25 years.

But she just could NOT find a face washer that she could trust and recommend to her clients.

So she painstakingly created something that's EFFECTIVE, GENTLE, GETS RESULTS, and is ECO-FRIENDLY for the planet!

And voila! The Cleansing Cloth was born.

Healthy Skin Starts with Correct Cleansing

These results are achieved using correct skincare, cleansing with The Cleansing Cloth and laser treatment to rebuild a healthy skin barrier.

If your skin looks similar to any of these photos, we highly recommend trying out a Cleansing Cloth.

"I've used a lot of skincare products and gadgets on my skin as I’m a self proclaimed skincare addict, The Cleansing Cloth is my new favourite and will always be a staple in my daily routine. Super easy to clean too – in the washing machine – love it! Xx”
"Cant live without my new skincare product! My skin is so much healthier since using it – I cant believe the amount of stuff that comes off my skin at the end of the day when I’m sure its clean before I use the cloth”
"TCC has helped my skin so much since using – no more big pimples as I think my skin is cleaner at the end of the day.”
"Hey Michelle used the cloth for the first time tonight its is amazing! Coming back to buy one for each of my sisters! It’s the best"
I received my cloth yesterday in the mail – thank-you! I used it for the first time and it was magic. So cooling for my skin which is super sensitive. I found your website and thought I would give it a try. Its amazing thank-you
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Founded by Michelle Doolan (AKA Skin Nerd Australia)

After spending 24 years in the industry frustrated with the lack of basic technology to ensure effective, safe and healthy cleansing for clients Michelle has developed The Cleansing Cloth. A simple yet effective tool to use daily with your very own skincare products to ensure safe and effective cleansing.

Skin Problems Really Suck!

Its never to late to get in touch with us for a quick review of your routine or some self help tips on how to get your SKIN glowing again!