5 Skincare Myths Debunked By A Skincare Therapist
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!
The average skin enthusiast spends approximately $3000 per year on professional/clinical skin treatments with the added extra skincare products for home care use.
Spending all this money can equal average results because you are simply NOT cleansing your skin correctly. With that financial commitment we want to ensure you get the results you deserve!
The recommendation is to replace your toothbrush once every 8-12 weeks so why do we use a face-washer or towel that has been in our linen cupboard for years upon years.?
Yes its clean, we machine wash it, however for those of you who are devoted Cleansing Cloth users, you know...mold develops fast in anything that remains wet; our face washers and fabrics just hide it from plain sight.
Spores develop over a few weeks of being in a continual wet environment, and add your daily makeup, cleansing products, dirt and oil and you soon have a nice little recipe for disaster all hidden in the weave of your face-washing tool.
So what are the options?
Some might say use disposable cloths, wipes or pads but these are not very environmentally friendly (and also are very ineffective in cleaning your skin gently and efficiently so we turn back full circle to a face washer - but one that shows when its time to give it the flick!)
The Cleansing Cloth is a premium everyday (we think it should be in every bathroom) skin care tool! Unlike a face washer, it doesn't hide the bacteria that develops.
At 30 x 30cm, it's adequate enough in size to feel luxurious, but do the job! The technique of a good cleanse is all in the time you spend applying and massaging your cleanser and how you remove it.
STEP 1 - Cleanse for 30 seconds minimum - this allows the ingredients in your cleanser to do their thing (soften, breakdown makeup and balance your skins PH).
STEP 2 - is in the removal - you want a wet, gentle but grippy product that will use minimal effort to remove what needs to be removed but leave behind all the good within your skin. Insert a microfibre PVA biodegradable material!
It wipes over the skin's surface in one smooth movement gripping what it needs!
Lets face it there are only positives!
Do we need to add anymore?
Regardless of the clinical strength, the influencer who told you so, or how amazing your product smells if you don't cleanse correctly to begin with then no routine, no matter what it is, will work!
Stop washing your face incorrectly and give The Cleansing Cloth a go!
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!