5 Skincare Myths Debunked By A Skincare Therapist
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!
Written by Michelle Doolan. Michelle is a skin therapist with over 25 years experience, and is the founder of Skin Nerd and The Cleansing Cloth.
Skin streaming is simplifying your skin routine to three or four products that effectively address your skin’s needs and cycling them day in day out. The new phase of TikTok's ever famous #lazyskingirl.
Skin streaming usually includes a cleanser, one serum, moisturiser and sunscreen. This prevents you from bombarding your skin with so many products that they either have no effect (only two or three at a time can really penetrate the skin barrier to start working their magic) or they potentially irritate your skin (some combinations of active ingredients can create negative reactions).
Besides saving on the $$$$, skin streaming prevents you from irritating or damaging your skin barrier function. Many ingredients are sensitizing, drying, and likely to exacerbate common skin conditions. We have a never ending option of old and new ingredients hitting the market and everyone always wants to use them all. Skin streaming gives the skin what it needs without destroying your skin barrier or the bank.
Generally a good place to start or a good place to reset is if your skin is experiencing sensitivity or irritation. On a daily basis I will recommend at least 2 out 6 clients reduce their skincare load as I often see over application of product use, ultimately leading to PH imbalance. This is caused from two things - lack of care or incorrect product use (this can be using products not designed for your skin, or using two or more products combined together that generate bad, not good)
For skin concerns or conditions like like Acne, Peri Oral Dermatitis or Rosacea, always start with a basic routine and build beyond the first 12 weeks before additional skincare is added.
If you are a #lazyskingirl then I celebrate you! The less is more approach to skin health will always work in your favour as long as you do the fundamentals correctly. Learn to love your skin and listen to it. Every action has a correlation, support it and it will support you.
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!