5 Skincare Myths Debunked By A Skincare Therapist
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!
All face washers, no matter the fabric, fibre or material, hold bacteria, mites and skin microbiome. The question is - can this be a good thing or detrimental to your skins health and well being?
One very popular little skin mite that can cause havoc within the skin is the 'Demodex Mite' - FUN FACT : they are found on all skins but for unknown reasons change and contribute to the condition of Rosacea in many people.
Their over activity breaks down the skin's condition causing breakouts, inflammation and redness of varying degrees.
The use of antibiotics calms these crazy mites back into a less destructive vibe so my question is, what generates their hyper activity in the first place? I often come back to the way we cleanse and what we cleanse with.
Many of us use facial cleansing flannels, face washers (whatever you prefer to call them) and they unfortunately are disgusting!
Lets think...they get wet...stay wet...live in your bathroom which is both the cleanest and dirtiest place in your home and (shock horror!) might be shared by more than one person!
The fabric and colour are the tricky villains that prevent us from seeing what really goes on in there.
Each cleanse we do grips onto dead cell build up, the mites as mentioned above and the microbiome we have as an individual - a light rinse may very well rid the excess debris but many little organisms sneak into the fabric weave and build a content little house of germs and bacteria very very quickly, all in preparation for our very next cleanse approx. 12 hours later!
We wash and re-wash and wash again using the same cloth, not seeing what we re-apply to our skin.
We often smell the mold that forms between these fibres and decide it's time to wash our towels, which removes the excess mold, but little spores always remain, waiting for the perfect time to become active again (and this is when we wash our face).
Healthy skin is ensuring the microbiome is safe so lets briefly discuss this first so you can understand why.
Your skin microbiome — or skin flora — is the scientific term for the trillions of microorganisms that live on your skin. When your skin microbiome is healthy, there are 1,000 different species of bacteria and up to 80 different fungi species in your skin microbiome.
Not only is your skin your largest organ, your skin is also your first line of defense against the outside world. Your skin microbiome is even closely connected to your gut (which is super fascinating), which regulates your immune system, so its health is key for your whole-body health.
Though they are connected, you have different microbiomes in different places on your body that make up your skin microbiome. The balance of microbes can be very different on your feet and scalp to those in your armpits or eyelids.
A healthy skin microbiome in all of these areas will provide you with skin that is free from rashes, dry patches, and other symptoms of imbalance in your skin.
No scare tactics here!
Just facts - we could get all fancy and get out the microscope and show you what lives within those fibres/ fabrics but we'd like to think you trust us enough to use your common sense and some qualified information to inform you.
By changing the way you cleanse your skin, the micro organisms that create our barrier multiply to create a strong healthy surface, free of unwanted breakout, redness and irritation.
I help thousands of clients yearly to achieve their skin goals by simply editing their cleansing routine so that they can have clear, healthy, problem free skin.
Consider your skin goals "CLEAN SKIN."
Michelle xx
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!