5 Skincare Myths Debunked By A Skincare Therapist
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!
As the season of skin peels begins to arrive we all get a bit excited about booking in a fabulous skin treatment.
Post summer skin is often a little congested from sunscreens and moisturiser, layered with heavy pigment filled cells and in need of a freshen up...Enter the world of professionally recommended skin peels from all your friendly skin facialists, like myself.
Any dermal therapist will say a Skin Peel is a great way to stimulate the skin's natural cell growth and is a perfect treatment now that Summer season has passed.
Now be aware, this does not contradict my opinion on barrier dysfunction as they should only be performed by a clinical professional who knows the correct ingredient style peel to use for your skin type. Treatments should be few and far between and as I preach to many clients, very little cell exfoliation needs to be done in your daily home care routine.
Are you thinking Lactic Acid? Peptide Peel... Feeling oily so need Salicylic and don't even get me started on the career changing Bio Repeel that has revolutionised the world of TCA peels in clinic - which one is for you?
Lactic - Known for its hydrating properties, it loves dead cells and drawing moisture
Salicylic - Best suited for oily skins or for rosacea as this ingredient can be quite calming on the skin's surface depending on its compound.
Peptide - A new concept of peeling, very gentle on the skin's surface and an alternative for those who can't stand strong peels or are pregnant, on medication, or have Lyme's or Lupus.
Vitamin A - The power exfoliator for turning skin cells over very quickly. This type of peel is prescription based, so must be performed by a medical practitioner. Good for oily skins or really thick sun-damaged skin needing rejuvenation.
Bio RePeel - Modified to be kinder on the skin's surface so more tolerable/ less downtime but with all the benefits. Think super glowing skin for days!!
One extra budget driven option to help nurture you through a challenging skin period, is the option of a gentle cleansing cloth. The Cleansing Cloth's PVA material is designed to be ultra smooth and gentle for this main reason. Gliding over the skin - it will grip loose cells waiting to desquamate without causing any indue trauma.
It's a budget driven option to help care for your skin!
Chemical skin peels offer a multitude of benefits, making autumn/winter the perfect season to indulge in these transformative treatments. Remember, consulting a skincare professional is crucial for determining the most suitable chemical peel and aftercare regimen for your specific needs.
Any questions? Don't be afraid to ask!
M xx
I spend many hours of my day answering these 5 common myths regarding skincare and how to help improve your skin. I thought it might be time to spill the beans on my answers!